From: + lo_y + <>
Subject: Re:  declaring the world as gross und klein
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2002 18:21:29 +0100 (CET)

At 1756 14/12/02 +0200, J.CS2SC.M a dit
>[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
>[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
>[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
>[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
>[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
>[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]

( " gebuchstabeerd " )

[ o, e, t, t, a, l ]
[ s, r, i, e, t, h ]
[ y, t, n, a, t, n ]
[ u, a, ., t, t, l ]
[ h, a, t, t, i, c ]
[ d, e, o, >, a, s ]
d to [ i, a, b, w, nc, ti ]
i ya [ e, n, o, ca, fe, sh ]
. th [ t, th, gt, ee, nm, di ]
 th [ a, av, ie, >o, pp, ac ]
to th [ it, "., mn, su, if, ett ]
mu ti [ ci, >f, my, ran, ysi, per ]
sy ur [ te, ion, at", st-, git, "mu ]
>em od [ ade, ret, etu, tom, ern, mri ]
sup re [ ngt, >"p, t-m, ern", alit, fthe ]
uat on [ ich, more, ltip, cito, (to>, eext ]
that po [ mode, ism", nbeu, erst, dasa, nden ]
owar s> [ tipl, ity,, ough, atri, sunif, ng"po ]
mode ni [ s>"m, tipl, ity"), tothe, tentt, tglit ]
sacr ti [ ofte, nolog, it'sn, aretu, >toap, eart. ]
notal gl [ hisal, hatcr, ical,, deven, me>th, isten ]
oosci la [ etwee, ritic, ityan, echnol, ical>f, ishism ]
hinkt et [ gtoke, inmind, thatth, eareav, iety>o, pproac ]
to"the li [ ".i'mn, sureif, etthis, ltipli, ty>fro, ourana ]
is.per ap [ urcont, tionth, "post-, gital"m, ic>embo, esadesi ]
oretur to [ ernism, skssupp, ssingth, "post-m, ern"rea, tyofthe ]
uation, hi [ smoremu, iplicit, s(to>th, xtentth, "post-m, ernism" ]
beunder to [ satende, ytoward, multipl, ity,tho, hthatris, unifying ]
st-mode ni [ s>"mult, licity", >totheex, ntthatgl, chisacri, queoftec ]
logy,it sn [ return>, apureart, utnotall, itchisal, hatcriti, l,andeve ]
me>thati te [ tooscill, ebetween, iticalit, ndtechno, gical>fe, shism.ith ]
thething ok [ inmindis, attherea, avariety>, approache, o"theglit, ".i'mnots
ifigetth sm [ iplicity, romyouran, ysis.perh, syourcont, tionthat",
st-digita ]
usic>embo ie [ esiretore, rntomoder, smriskssu, ressingth, "post-mod,
n"reality ]
hesituati n, [ chismorem, tiplicito, (to>theex, ntthat"pos, modernism",
nbeunderst ]
asatenden yt [ rds>multi, icity,thou, thatrisksu, fying"post-, dernismas>",
ltiplicity" ]
totheexten th [ litchisacr, iqueoftechn, ogy,it'snot, e, rn>toapure,
t.butnotall ]
tchisalltha cr [ cal,andeven, m, thatistends, o, illatebetwe, c ]
i al [ a, t, h, l, i, l ]
t sh 
m i


__   -   -  lo_y  -  -   __  _


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