Date:         Fri, 7 Feb 2003 00:10:42 -0500
From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim@PANIX.COM>
Subject: dancegrid module

/[0]+/ { print "internal module dancing" }
/[z]+/ { print "sustained notes as in autonomic nervous system" }
/[y]+/ { print "the whirl of worlds" }
/[x]+/ { print "leading from gridance to landgrid" }
/[w]+/ { print "arms, hands, breasts, eyes, balloons" }
/[v]+/ { print "making new objects in the slice of time." }
/[u]+/ { print "landgrid to icegrid, these new objects" }
/[t]+/ { print "neither born nor dying for your eyes." }
/[s]+/ { print "open mouths screaming colours" }
/[r]+/ { print "tend towards air-disturbance objects." }
/[q]+/ { print "microphone objects transform atmospheres" }
/[p]+/ { print "in the presence of older objects" }
/[o]+/ { print "as hands and elsewhere mouth" }
/[n]+/ { print "generate new things obliterating the old." }
/[m]+/ { print "there is gridance among them" }
/[l]+/ { print "and among them, worldrun crashing into stars." }
/[k]+/ { print "every sound and breath tensed towards" }
/[j]+/ { print "the interceptions of planets, nebula" }
/[i]+/ { print "inhaling through the body's transparencies" }
/[h]+/ { print "of arms, hands, breasts, balloons" }
/[g]+/ { print "motioned in the griding of the room" }
/[f]+/ { print "girdled for dissemination, deconstruction." }
/[e]+/ { print "in the distance, no-attention animals" }
/[d]+/ { print "and the forests of ice in the ice." }
/[c]+/ { print "the skies open to the skies," }
/[b]+/ { print "the stars to the stars" }
/[a]+/ { print "dance and sound to objects and older objects." }
/^$/ { print "what they have been sliding by our grasp." }
 for ( i = NF; i >= 1; i-- )
 printf "%s ", $i;
 printf "\n";

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